The Stellar Explosion — The Final Frontier

3 min readMay 11, 2021

Greetings Polarities,

Welcome to the final frontier —

We want to start by saying thank you for your patience and belief in the Polaris project, we know we’ve been a bit quiet these last few weeks. Having said that, we want to reassure you that the team is here and. working. During our silence we’ve accomplished a lot and today we want to share our progress with you in detail.

Progress Report:

Let’s get the most asked questions in the telegram chat out of the way first.

“When are you getting marketing?” “Any communication from the team??” — We hear you loud and clear.

1. Communication and Marketing

We officially hired a communications and marketing person to help us with getting the good word out on all our socials and throughout the cryptosphere — They start this week.

1a. We’re also rolling out a new educational series to help all the farmers joining our supernovas.. We’re going to need your help spreading the word as we post on reddit, twitter, 4channel etc.

“When token burn??” — We are on it.

2. So far we’ve burned 53,533 POLAR v3 in the new Supernovas and more coming.

3. Rebrand, UI/UX and Decentralized supernova updates

3a. We have redesigned the entire dashboard with a brand new UI

First picture: New Dashboard for partners to create their own supernovas

Second Picture : New UI/UX design for farmers

Third picture: Another look at the new dashboard for partners to set-up supernovas

The new dashboard allows partnering projects in a decentralized way, to instantly create + fund their Supernovas. This removes the friction of partnership outreach/manual integration so new projects can quickly set up a pool and get their communities farming within minutes to hours.

4. All new supernovas now have upgraded contracts, so 4% of deposited rewards goes into Polaris treasury.

Again, we want to say thank you for your patience and we plan on being a lot more consistent with our communication moving forward.

New Interface and database update arriving very soon. Stay Tuned! Happy Farming!

